广泛适用于农牧业、园林绿化、农贸市场、有机垃圾、餐厨垃圾处理等领域。设备以餐厨/果蔬类有机垃圾等(如:果蔬、菜叶、菜根、食品残渣、鸡鸭鱼肉废弃物、虾蟹壳、蛋壳、骨头等)为原料,将经过筛选、破碎后的果蔬、餐厨、园林垃圾倒入该设备,通过微生物高温好氧等综合处理技术,进行快速分解。设备设置好运行参数后,即可在24小时自动运行,无需人工操作。处理完成后的产物为有机肥料,从而达到减量化、无害化、资源化利用, 整个处理过程无公害,不存在二次污染。符合国家餐厨垃圾处理的“减量化、无害化、资源化”就地处理原则。
Widely used in agriculture and animal husbandry, landscaping, farmers market, organic waste, kitchen waste treatment and other fields. The equipment uses kitchen / fruit and vegetable organic wastes (such as fruits and vegetables, vegetable leaves, vegetable roots, food residues, chicken, duck and fish wastes, shrimp and crab shells, eggshells, bones, etc.) as raw materials. The screened and crushed fruits and vegetables, kitchen and garden wastes are poured into the equipment, which are rapidly decomposed through comprehensive treatment technologies such as high temperature aerobic microorganism. After setting the operation parameters, the equipment can run automatically in 24 hours without manual operation. After treatment, the product is organic fertilizer, so as to achieve reduction, harmless and resource utilization. The whole treatment process is pollution-free and there is no secondary pollution. In line with the national food waste treatment of "reduction, harmless, resource-based" on-site treatment principle.
型号 | HSS-J200D-001 |
额定处理量(Kg) | 200 |
额定功率(Kw) | 7.2 |
处理周期(h) | 24h |
环境温度范围(℃) | -10℃-50℃ |
整机质量(kg) | 465 |
减量率 | 80-90% |
工作电压(V) | 380 |
保质期 | 1年 |
主机使用寿命 | 10年 |
外形尺寸(mm) | 2046LX950WX1100H |
产出物 | 有机肥料 |